Core Values
Expository Preaching
God speaks to us through His word the bible and the bible tells us that the greatest news in the world is not what we have done for God but what God has done for His glory in Jesus. Hearing God’s word shapes and empowers everything we do.
Every Square Inch
King Jesus exercises dominion in the world by building up the local church everywhere through normal people in the everyday stuff of life. The good news of the rule and reign of Jesus is central, applicable, and effective for all of life.
Family Driven
The local church is Jesus’ body for accomplishing His mission and rule. The body is build up by families that are continually sent by Jesus through the local church to be disciples that make disciples. Heads of families direct their family to collaborate and submit to local church leadership as together the church honors the head of the church, Jesus.
Generous Living
We desire that all creation live under the gracious salvation, rule and reign of Jesus so we share the love of Jesus and show the love of Jesus for the good of our neighbor and the good of the world.